pretty tables

Sweet Baby Shower for Sonya

Last summer I hosted a baby shower for one of my best friends Sonya, her baby Harper is now 7 months! This is one of my favorite showers I have ever thrown! I loved working with this color scheme of muted warm tones, it was perfect for this modern chic mama! The table was decorated with a combination of dried, wooden and fresh flowers along with dry wheat grass, gave the table so much depth with all the different textures. Loved it! The menu consisted of fresh fruits, brunch finger foods and sweet pastries like mini pavlovas. Those mini pavlovas were a hit! I need to post a recipe soon! We painted decorative wooden blocks in modern patterns for the nursery. It was such a sweet shower for my sweet friend!

Coffee + Crumbs Mother's Day Brunch

Coffee + Crumbs is a collaborative blog about motherhood. A few weeks ago they encouraged women to gather and celebrate Motherhood! The best part? They provided all the goodies for you to host! Invites, place cards, question cards for the table, even a Spotify playlist! My friend asked if I'd host this with her and of course I was delighted! We divided up the food list, she opened her home and I made the floral centerpieces and decorated the table! Had the sweetest morning with these ladies, the discussion cards opened up a lot of great conversations and the outpour of mama talk refreshed my soul! Thank you Coffee + Crumbs! Happy Mother's Day everyone!

Cinco De Mayo Celebration

A few months ago we were asked by some sweet friends at church to join their Supper Club. I told my friend Selina how much we enjoyed it and she was inspired to start a Supper Club of her own! This was her kick off dinner! A fun Cinco de Mayo Celebration! 

So what is a Supper Club?

It sounds a little fancy right? Really all it is, is a bunch friends getting together at someones house for dinner once a month. Every month you rotate houses and the host provides all the food and beverages so the guests can just show up without having to worry about bringing something! That's one of my favorite parts about supper club, you just show up and dinner is covered! Some Saturday's can get really busy for us now that the boys do sports so not having to worry about prepping a dish but still getting to hang out with friends is amazing! 

If you have 5- 6 couples in your supper club you only end up having to host and provide food for the whole crowd twice a year and the rest of the year you get a fun monthly night out with friends, free of responsibilites... Score!  

So how do you start a Supper Club? Super simple! 

  • First, make a list of a few couples/friends  you'd would like to get together with on a monthly basis. I think a group of about 10 works best so you have enough room to accommodate everyone comfortably. 
  • Think of group dynamic. It helps to have one or two outgoing friends that will help keep conversation flowing.
  • Send out and invite! Let them know you're starting a supper club and you would like for them to be a part of it.
  • You make the rules! Will kids be allowed? Will adult beverages be served? My friend called it Dinner Club instead of Supper Club! Name it whatever you want! 
  • Be mindful of food restrictions/ allergies and provide alternatives.
  • Try to do as much of the prep/work before your guests arrive so you can enjoy yourself once everyone is there.
  • Play a funny game to bring laughs and lighten the mood in case your margaritas didn't do the trick! 

My favorite part of Supper Club is being committed to a group of people! Getting to know them more over a period of time and deepening friendships over a meal. Supper Clubs are a great way to build community! Do you have supper club? Id love to hear more about it and if not I'd encourage you start one! 

Photo Apr 28, 7 14 12 PM.jpg