So Close, Yet So Far Out

Disclaimer: This was written like over a year ago and never got posted til now! Enjoy!

Last Summer Fred and I celebrated our Anniversary in Austin TX. About a 4 hour drive from Dallas, felt close enough to drive but far enough to call it a getaway. Although only 4 hours apart from each other Dallas and Austin could not be any more different from one another.

See what we love about Austin is that it’s funky, its different, its weird, which is to no surprise why the city’s slogan is, “Keep Austin Weird.” after all. So when we decided to spend the weekend in Austin I knew I wanted to embrace all it had to offer a vibrant, eclectic, artsy, hip vibe so we booked our stay in a motel, not just any motel, Austin Motel!

What drew me to this place was it’s modern sleek colors combined with vintage architecture and a slight Spanish villa feel. The outdoor corridors are adorned with beautiful greenery and dreamy cacti. If you look into Bunkhouse, they have a whole line of hotels that are all so well designed, I’m dying to stay in a teepee at El Cosmico in Marfa or their hotel in Cabo is beautiful too!

While I highly recommend Austin Motel for its design, great location, lots of great food places around, be forewarned, the innuendos through out this place might leave you blushing at the least or might just completely crack you up, I chose the latter. So if you’re heading to Austin ditch that boring hotel with the waffle maker and the basic vibe and stay at Austin Motel, So Close Yet So Far Out.