Our Last Semi Normal Outing

On Tuesday March 10, 2020, we decided to get out of the house, we got in the van and just started driving, “Where should we go?” asked Fred, ”anywhere except there” I answered. We were on Spring Break and already “social distancing” ourselves before the stay home rules had been implemented, aware that it was slowly starting to spread in the city we usually congregate in. We drove the opposite way, heck we drove and drove that we ended up in a different state!

Fred wanted to see buffalo, or bison, I don’t think he knew exactly but he heard there were some north of us or maybe he made it up, sometimes he makes up facts out of thin air, I find them amusing. All we saw was cattle and maybe a donkey but we kept driving and instead ended up at the Red River, the border between Texas and Oklahoma.

We parked under the bridge and made our way towards the river. The air was warm and a little damp. Our steps became heavy as we began sinking into wet, red clay. That’s when I remembered we had just bought the boys new Vans shoes the week before but it didn’t bother me, I let them run around and get as muddy as they pleased. I felt like such a cool mom until another mom showed up with her two boys and I realized she was way cooler than me.

She let her kids jump into the red river, careless and free, those boys swam and splashed, we watched them with huge smiles on our face, my boys looked at me as if maybe I too would allow them to jump in. I’m not that cool guys, sorry.

We did however stop at a Braum’s in tiny town trying to earn some cool points back from these boys. I didn’t know it was going to be the last time we sat in a booth as a family. It felt very uncomfortable though, it’s like every cough or sneeze sounded louder than usual. Like in the movies when everything goes silent except certain sounds and then those sounds start making a melody and Fred and I just stared at each other with wide eyes then Luke asked how it was possible for people to spill coffee on ceilings as he examined the leaks from the roof, I laughed so loud and it brought me back to enjoying the moment. I took a deep breath and ate the rest of my rocky road sugar cone, it was delicious.

We left Braums and a trail of dried red mud behind us I’m sure and drove some more, we saw old buildings, tore down buildings and more cattle but no bison. Made it back and ate at our favorite taco shop, Torchy’s, my biggest regret that day was not ordering a frozen margarita to go with my tacos. Bummer.

Then like dominoes life around us started collapsing one after another, schools got canceled, restaurants began shutting down, grocery stores depleted, the stock market plumeted, some started losing their jobs, people began getting sick, some dying, we were told to stay home and to top it off there was literally no sunshine for days only clouds, fear and uncertainly seemed to remain.

It’s like the rug got pulled out from under us and left us on our knees. And thats where I’m at, on my knees praying. It’s a good time to pray. Not that there’s ever a good time not to pray but if you haven't prayed in a while I’d urge you to. I don’t know what God is doing but He’s in control and He’s at work.

I started reading the book of Joshua, in the book, Rahab, a prostitute saves the lives of the spies scoping out the land God had promised the Israelites. She had heard of what the LORD had done, how he had dried up the water of the Red Sea and how he had given them victories over their enemies. “And as soon as we heard it, our hearts melted and there was no spirit left in man because of you for the LORD your God, he is God in the heavens above and on the earth beneath.” Joshua 2:11

Her fear brought her to faith.

Her faith is revered in the New Testament, and her name is listed in the genealogy of Jesus. God saves her and her family as the Israelites invade the land and pass over her home seeing the scarlet cord hung out her window.

I’m not saying have faith like Rahab and you will not get sick or die from Covid, there are countless of saints being martyred by their faith as they spread the gospel throughout the world. I’m saying as scary as this virus is, we need to be aware that there’s is a greater evil out to destroy us, our sin.

Theres no cure to Covid-19, not yet, praying for a cure, but there is a cure to sin, thats faith through Jesus. God came down as a man, Jesus, sinless perfect. He willingly was nailed to a cross because sin required a blood sacrifice from a perfect being, a spotless lamb. We couldn’t earn salvation or work hard enough for it, our DNA was stained with sin from the time Adam and Eve sinned in the garden. But because God so loved the world he gave his only son Jesus that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life, John 3:16. At the cross Jesus cured us from our sin and made us perfect, earning us a place a future home in heaven, not of out own doing.

But Nancy, I’ve met Christians and they were stuck up, self righteous, judged me even hurt me.

I’m so sorry. We’re saved but not perfect because we are not Jesus but should aim to live a life like he did. If someone who claimed to be a Christian hurt you in anyway don’t let that be how you view God. For a clear look at who Jesus is go to the direct source, the bible, read John or Luke if you’re curious.

I’m passionate about the Lord, I’m not perfect but if you have any questions I’d love to chat with you or if you just need prayer or a friend right now I’m here! Zoom anyone?

Friends, stay safe, stay healthy, stay home and read your bible! HUGS!!!